
With over 700,000 installs, Polylang is the most popular multilingual plugin available on the WordPress repository. You can take advantage of all its cool features for free. If you need more advanced features or access to Premium support, you might prefer buying Polylang Pro instead.

Check all the advantages of Polylang Pro in the table below:

Polylang Polylang Pro
FREE 99.00€
Translate posts, pages, media, categories, tags
Translate Custom post types and custom taxonomies
Translate menus and widgets
Use subdirectories, subdomains or separate domains
WPML API compatibility
DeepL integration (Doesn't work with Elementor)
XLIFF Import/Export
Translations can share the same slug in the URL
Translate slugs in URLS (custom post types, taxonomies and more...)
Duplicate posts across languages
Enable or disable languages
REST API Support
Additional integration with ACF Pro
Block Editor support
Site Editing support
Premium support