Working with QuadMenu Pro

We are happy to inform you that the QuadMenu authors have integrated a compatibility with Polylang.

QuadMenu Pro is a WordPress Mega Menu plugin which allows you to design your menus. With QuadMenu Pro you can easily mega menus, tabbed menus, carrousel menus and define a custom template for each menu location.

Let’s see how QuadMenu Pro works with Polylang!

Share your custom template for all your languages

As you know, you need to create one menu per language for each menu location as explain just there. In the following example I created an English menu, a French menu and a German menu for the primary location of my theme.

Once the menus have been set, QuadMenu gives you the opportunity to easily create a custom template for each theme location. You can achieve this by going to QuadMenu PRO > Options tab > Configuration. ❶ Just click on the ‘Create Theme’ button:

❷ Then once your custom theme is created you can configure it.

After you have configured your custom theme you need to assign it to a location. To achieve this select a location  and assign the custom template . You will also need to activate the ‘Integration’ option.

The just created custom theme will be applied to all the languages of your theme menu location. In the example above, it means that my custom theme will be applied to the English primary location as well as the French and the German primary locations. The custom theme is shared across your languages.

Editing your menus with QuadMenu Pro

After you have assigned a location to your custom theme you will see the QuadMenu icon  aside all the active locations (for all languages) and you will see the QuadMenu tabs:

The QuadMenu tabs allow you to create a tabbed mega menu. You will find the full documentation on this point just there: QuadMenu Tabs

Note that you can also edit the menu item such as the language switcher by using the QuadMenu button  and customize it :

You may also be interested in reading the QuadMenu documentation: Integrate Polylang with QuadMenu