3.6.7 (2025-03-11)
- Pro: Security : Fix private content disclosure.
- Fix links wrongly removed in notices #1627
- Fix all categories assigned when the default category is missing #1617
3.6.6 (2025-01-13)
- Pro: Fix character encoding in the autocomplete field in the block editor languages panel
- Pro: Fix navigation language switcher block allowing a dropdown to hide the current language
- Pro: Fix translation of Media and text block when the media is shown on right
- Pro: Fix translation of the Cover block when fixed background is enabled
- Fix redirect of translated attachment page when attachment pages are disabled #1605
3.6.5 (2024-11-05)
- Add compatibility with WP 6.7
- Pro: Prevent infinite loop when the locale fallbacks reference each other
- Pro: Set canResegment attribute to no in XLIFF files
- Fix empty notice displayed if the plugin upgrade notice is set but empty
3.6.4 (2024-07-29)
- Pro: Fix infinite loop with WP 6.6 when the locale fallbacks include the main locale of a language
- Pro: Prevent saving the main locale among the locale fallbacks of a language
- Pro: Hide the characters consumption graph when the DeepL cost control is deactivated
- Add Yoast SEO social title and social description to the strings translations
- Fix incorrect page on front and page for posts translations when the option is saved with admin language filter active
3.6.3 (2024-06-18)
- Pro: Fix locale fallback for translations loaded just in time (requires WP 6.6)
- Allow to pass an array as context to icl_register_string() #1497
- Fix admin bar search menu in WP 6.6 #1496
- Fix a regression in the usage of the filter pll_flag #1489
3.6.2 (2024-06-03)
- Pro: Fix XLIFF files not correctly imported when exported from older version than 3.6
- Pro: Fix translated categories not assigned to translated post when using machine translation
- Pro: Fix 'lang' param not applied for secondary queries during a REST request
- Pro: Fix newlines for content edited in classic editor and translated with DeepL
- Pro: Fix a conflict with the Stream plugin on multisite
3.6.1 (2024-04-09)
- Pro: Fix ACF fields not shown after a post was translated with DeepL
- Remove rewrite when registering the language taxonomy #1457
- Fix search block not filtered when displayed as button only #1459
- Fix current language not kept when using switch_to_blog() in multisite #1458
3.6 (2024-03-18)
- Requires WP 6.2 as minimum version
- Add compatibility with WP 6.5
- Pro: Add DeepL machine translation for posts
- Pro: Add export and import in XLIFF 2.0/2.1 formats
- Pro: Improve translator comments in exported PO files
- Pro: Allow to export JSON encoded post and term metas in XLIFF files
- Pro: Allow to export block sub-attributes in XLIFF files
- Pro: Add footer notes block to XLIFF files
- Pro: Single files are now exported directly instead of inside a zip
- Pro: Reworked the language switcher navigation block
- Pro: Fix language switcher navigation block justification not aligned with core settings in overlay menu (requires WP 6.5)
- Pro: Fix a race condition which could lead to display a notice to the wrong user
- Pro: Fix a conflict with ACF when rewrite rules are flushed with WP-CLI on a multisite
- Pro: Fix import of several metas with same sources but different translations
- Add filter `pll_cookie_args` to filter the Polylang cookie arguments #1406
- Fix wrong translated post types and taxononies after a `switch_to_blog()` #1415
- Fix a minor performance issue for the page for posts #1412
- Fix a JS errors after quick edit. Props @mcguffin #1435, #1444
- Fix a possible warning in view-translations-post.php #1439
3.5.4 (2023-02-06)
- Pro: Fix an accessibility issue int the navigation language switcher block
- Pro: Fix featured image not exported for posts with blocks
- Pro: Fix a conflict with the Flatsome builder
- Fix a notice when using system CRON. Props arielruminski #1397
- Fix an edge case where a wrong post tag may be assigned to a post #1418
3.5.3 (2023-12-11)
- Pro: Fix fatal error with The Events Calendar when rewrite param of event category is set to false
- Remove flag alt text in the language switcher when both the flag and language name are displayed #1393
- Fix incorrect string translations when 2 languages are sharing the same locale in a multisite #1378
- Fix posts lists not filtered by the current language when editing a post in the block editor #1386
- Fix error when a tax query is filled with unexpected data #1396
3.5.2 (2023-10-25)
- Pro: Fix terms not filtered by the current language in the block editor custom taxonomy component panel
- Fix incorrect rewrite rules leading to error 404 for the main site on mutisite #1375
3.5.1 (2023-10-17)
- Pro: Fix terms not filtered by the current language in the block editor custom taxonomy component panel
- Pro: Fix fatal error when using plain permalinks on multisite
- Pro: Fix rewrite rules incorrectly refreshed when saving strings translations
- Fix incorrect rewrite rules leading to error 404 on mutisite #1366
- Fix fatal error when using symlinked MU plugins that are not in open_basedir #1368
3.5 (2023-10-09)
- Requires WordPress 5.9 as minimum version
- Pro: Manage navigation blocks translations in the site editor (requires WP 6.3)
- Pro: Manage pages translations in the site editor (requires WP 6.3)
- Pro: Manage patterns translations in the site editor (requires WP 6.3)
- Pro: Remove compatibility with the navigation screen removed from Gütenberg 15.1
- Pro: Add filter 'pll_export_post_fields' to control post fields exported to XLIFF files
- Pro: Do not set default translation option to "translate" for ACF fields created before Polylang Pro is activated
- Pro: Fix Polylang not set as recently active when automatically deactivated by Polylang Pro
- Don't output javascript type for themes supporting html5 #1332
- Hook WP_Query automatic translation to 'parse_query' instead of 'pre_get_posts' #1339
- Improve preload paths management for the block editor #1341
- Fix rewrite rules in WP 6.4 #1345
- Fix: always assign the default language to new posts and terms if no language is specified #1351
- Fix 'polylang' option not correctly created when a new site is created on a multisite #1319
- Fix front page display switched to "Your latest posts" when deleting a static home page translation #1311
- Fix wrong language assigned to terms #1336
- Fix error when updating a translated option while the blog is switched on a multisite #1342
3.4.6 (2023-09-13)
- Pro: Security: Fix unsafe custom style injection in navigation language switcher block
3.4.5 (2023-08-07)
- Requires PHP 7.0 as minimum version
- Pro: Fix error in site editor with WP 6.3
- Pro: Remove usage of block_core_navigation_submenu_build_css_colors() deprecated in WP 6.3
- Pro: Fix categories and tags kept in old language after the language of a post has been changed
- Add 'pll_admin_ajax_params' filter #1326
- Fix error when changing the language of a post and the post type doesn't support excerpts #1323
3.4.4 (2023-07-18)
- Pro: Register a default (empty) value for the "lang" param when listing posts and terms in REST API
- Pro: Fix categories list refresh when the language of a post is changed in the block editor
- Pro: Fix store "pll/metabox" is already registered
- Add Kirghiz to the predefined list of languages #1308
- Fix incorrect flag url when WordPress is installed in a subfolder #1296
- Fix wrong home page url in multisite #1300
3.4.3 (2023-06-13)
- Adapt the language filter for `get_pages()` for WP 6.3 #1268
- Fix static front page displaying latest posts when it is not translated #1295
- Fix a database error in ANSI mode #1297
- Fix a database error when accessing posts from another site in multisite #1301
3.4.2 (2023-05-30)
- Fix empty languages displayed when Falang data are remaining in the database #1286
- Fix PHP warning on term_props #1288
- Fix blog page displayed in the customizer instead of the static front page when changing a setting #1289
3.4.1 (2023-05-25)
- Fix incorrect site titles in My Site admin bar menu on multisites #1284
- Fix incorrect home url when using multiple domains or subdomain and a static front page #1285
3.4 (2023-05-23)
- Requires WP 5.8 as minimum version
- Pro: Language fallbacks are now stored in language description instead of a term meta.
- Pro: Add more error messages when doing wrong when importing or exporting translations
- Pro: Avoid to check for translations files existence if no language fallbacks are defined.
- Pro: Reduce the number of DB queries when exporting posts for translation
- Pro: Fix incorrect post slug after XLIFF import
- Pro: Fix a performance issue with the autocomplete field in the block editor languages panel
- Pro: Fix translations not refreshed when switching the language in the block editor sidebar
- Pro: Fix a performance issue in Site editor
- Pro: Fix a possible bug in Site editor when language term_id and term_taxonomy_id are different
- Pro: Fix deactivated language re-activated when it is edited.
- Pro: Fix language switcher in legacy widget menu not correctly rendered in widget block editor
- Pro: Fix error 404 for untranslated attached attachement
- Pro: Fix a deprecated notice in ACF integration
- Pro: Fix update compatibility with WP Umbrella
- Refactor core to allow to easily translate contents stored in custom tables
- Strings translations are now stored in a language term meta instead of post meta of specific post type #1209
- Deprecate the filters `pll_languages_list` and `pll_after_languages_cache` #1210
- Add a new property `PLL_Language::$is_default` #1228
- Add a custom admin body class `pll-lang-{$language_code}` #1190
- Add support for new WPML API filters #1266
- Fix languages metabox autocomplete field not always returning expected results #1187
- Fix language not displayed if the transient has been saved with an empty array #1247
- Fix a PHP warning `Attempt to read property "home_url" on bool` #1206
- Fix a conflict leading to a performance issue when translating the theme Astra options #1196
- Fix related translations resetted when updating Yoast SEO titles settings #1111
- Fix a fatal error in case the registered strings option is corrupted #1264
- Fix the language extraction from the URL in plain permalinks #1270
- Fix content cleared when switching the language of a new post in the block editor #1272
- Fix: Prevent saving strings translations with an empty source #1273
3.3.3 (2023-04-11)
- Pro: Adapt the submenu colors of the navigation language switcher block to WP 6.2
- Pro: Fix the dropdown setting in the navigation language switcher block
- Add Amharic, Aragonese and Spanish from Dominican Republic to the list of predefined languages #1248
- Fix a deprecated notice in WP 6.2 when using multiple domains without the Internationalization PHP extension (intl) #1245
3.3.2 (2023-03-06)
- Pro: Add compatibility with FSE changes introduced by WP 6.2
- Pro: Adapt the navigation language switcher block for consistency with WP 6.2
- Only store term ids in taxonomy relationships cache for WP 6.0+. Props @ocean90 #1154
- Remove usage of `get_page_by_title()` deprecated in WP 6.2 #1213
- Fix fatal error if the mu-plugins folder is not readable #1217
- Fix a compatibility issue with plugins not expecting a null 'update_plugins' transient #1224
3.3.1 (2023-01-09)
- Pro: Allow to translate Oembed, URL and Email ACF fields
- Pro: Fix ACF REST API mixing fields
- Pro: Fix ACF compatibility loaded when no language exist
- Pro: Fix headers of exported PO files.
- Pro: Fix spacing in language switcher navigation block preview
- Work around a bug in Sendinblue for WooCommerce causing a fatal error. #1156
- Fix a regression with WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate. #1186
3.3 (2022-11-28)
- Requires WP 5.7 as minimum version
- Pro: Allow to export and import XLIFF files for posts
- Pro: Honor the provided context for the navigation language switcher block.
- Pro: Remove the parent hyperlink in the navigation language switcher block.
- Pro: Add spacing between flag and name in the navigation language switcher block.
- Pro: Disallow some special characters in translated slugs to avoid 404 errors.
- Pro: Fix string translation not imported when the original is registered but has never been saved in database.
- Pro: Fix string translation not imported when it includes an html entity.
- Pro: Fix navigation language switcher block rendering in block editor.
- Pro: Fix navigation language switcher may be displayed wrong color.
- Translate the post pages in get_post_type_archive_link() on admin side too. #1000
- Enable the block editor in page for posts translations to match the WordPress behavior since version 5.8 #1002
- Improve the site health report #1062 #1076
- Set the current language when saving a post #1065
- The search block is now filtered by language #1081
- Display slug of CPT and taxonomies in Custom post types and Taxonomies settings. Props @nicomollet #1112
- Add support for wpml-config.xml to MU plugins #1140 Props Jeremy Simkins
- Fix some deprecated notices fired by PHP 8.1 #975
- Fix some missing canonical redirect taxonomies #1074
- Fix redirect when permalink structure has no trailing slash #1080
- Fix language switcher in legacy navigation menu widget not rendered in widgets block editor #1083
- Fix language in tax query when an OR relation is used #1098
- Fix parent of translated category removed when assigning an untranslated parent #1105
- Fix is_front_page() when a static front page is not translated #1123
- Yoast SEO: Fix posts without language displayed in the sitemap #1103
- Yoast SEO: Avoid syncing robots meta. #1118
3.2.8 (2022-10-17)
- Fix PHP warning when a filtered taxonomy has no query var #1124
- Fix SQL error when attempting to get objects without languages and no language exist #1126
- Fix error when term slugs are provided as array in WP_Query #1119, #1132 Props Susanna Häggblom
- Fix a CSS regression in the wizard causing the default language icon to be removed #1137
3.2.7 (2022-09-20)
- Work around a WooCommerce 6.9.x bug causing a fatal error in the wizard. #1116
3.2.6 (2022-09-06)
- Pro: Fix a conflict with Kadence blocks
- Pro: Fix a conflict with Flatsome builder
- Fix media translation setting having no effect
3.2.5 (2022-06-28)
- Pro: Fix creation of WC product categories with shared slug via REST API
- Pro: Fix conflict with WooBuilder when editing a WC product
- Fix: Force empty string translation to empty string #1058
- Fix CSS conflict with Dynamic content for Elementor #1060
3.2.4 (2022-06-07)
- Pro: Remove "Navigation menus" from the post type settings list
- Pro: Fix block editor languages panel missing in WordPress 5.6
- Pro: Fix wrongly indexed languages list returned by REST API when the first language is deactivated.
- Revert fix for category feed not redirected when the language code is wrong #1054
- Fix wrong redirect of category when the url includes a query string #1048
- Fix querying multiple categories failing
3.2.3 (2022-05-17)
- Pro: Fix a fatal error when inserting a term
- Pro: Fix translation of the block cover when duplicating a post
- Pro: Fix a CSS issue in bulk tranlate form introduced by WP 6.0
- Pro: Fix a CSS issue in string import/export metaboxes.
- Prevent random languages order in WP 6.0 #1041
- Translate site title in retrieve password email #1042
- Fix 'lang' attribute in language widget dropdown #1039
3.2.2 (2022-04-25)
- Pro: Fix redirect occuring for tags sharing the same slug as their translations
- Fix quick edit allowing to modify the language of the default category when it should not #1018
3.2.1 (2022-04-14)
- Pro: Fix users with editor role not able to save or publish posts
- Pro: Fix FSE compatibility not loaded when the plugin Gütenberg is active
- Pro: Fix a fatal error occuring with Yoast SEO Premium
- Pro: Fix a fatal error with ACF when no language is defined
3.2 (2022-04-12)
- Requires WP 5.6 as minimum version
- Pro: Add compatibility with the full site editing introduced in WP 5.9
- Pro: Add a language switcher block for the navigation block introduced in WP 5.9
- Pro: Add compatibility with the new gallery block introduced in WP 5.9
- Pro: Make the language switcher block available in the widget section of the customizer
- Pro: Fix wrong category when translating the latest block
- Pro: Fix the language switcher block when using the dropdown option
- Pro: Fix some edge cases with locale fallback
- Pro: Fix post template replacing the post content when duplicating a post
- Pro: Fix synchronization groups not correctly cleaned up when a language is deleted
- Pro: Fix incorrect sticky property when duplicating / synchronizing posts
- Pro: Fix "Page for posts" label after the page has been bulk translated
- Pro: Fix translated slug when the url includes a query string
- Pro: Synchronize ACF layout fields if a child field is synchronized or translatable
- Pro: Fix wrong field group translation displayed when using object cache with ACF
- Update plugin updater to 1.9.1
- Add compatibility with the block site title introduced in WP 5.9
- Add the list of wpml-config.xml files in the site health information
- Improve the performance of the get_pages() filter #980
- Improve the compatibility of 'wpml_object_id' with the original filter #972
- Prevent term_exists to be filtered by language in WP 6.0
- Fix some PHP 8.1 deprecations #949 #985
- Fix a fatal error in PHP 8.1 #987
- Fix category feed not redirected when the langage code is wrong #887
- Fix default category not created for secondary languages (introduced in 3.1) #997
- Fix parent page when the parent post type is not translatable #1001
- Fix the Yoast SEO breadcrumb when it includes a non-synchronized taxonomy #1005
- Fix a PHP Notice when adding a new language and Yoast SEO is active #979
- Fix a PHP warning in Yoast SEO compatibility #954
3.1.4 (2022-01-31)
- Pro: Adapt duplication and synchronization of the gallery block refactored in WP 5.9
- Fix UI glitch in the classic editor custom fields form when changing a post language in WP 5.9 #970
3.1.3 (2021-12-14)
- Fix user description escaping #934
- Fix dismissable notice when creating a term in WP 5.9 #936
- Fix empty search not handled correctly. Props Dominik Schilling #937
- Fix warning occurring when a 3rd party plugin attempts to register anything else than a string using the WPML API #942
- Fix Yoast SEO columns not corectly drawn when quick editing a post #943
3.1.2 (2021-10-11)
- Pro: Fix parent page not filtered by language in the block editor since WP 5.6
- Pro: Fix XLIFF mime type for PHP 7.0 and PHP 7.1
- Fix settings page displaying the media modules whne no language are defined
- Enforce Yoast SEO to use dynamic permalinks #882
- Yoast SEO: Fix static front page and blog page breadcrumb
3.1.1 (2021-08-16)
- Pro: Fix a fatal error with The Events Calendar
- Allow to remove the cookie with the pll_cookie_expiration filter #905
3.1 (2021-07-27)
- Add compatibility with WordPress 5.8
- Raise Minimum WordPress version to 5.4
- Pro: Allow to filter blocks by language in the widget block editor
- Pro: Allow to export and import XLIFF files for string translations
- Pro: Add the language switcher in the navigation block (experimental)
- Pro: Replace dashicons by svg icons in the block editor
- Pro: The Events Calendar: Add compatibility with Views V2 (only for sites using only one domain)
- Pro: Fix + icon displayed in the block editor sidebar when the user cannot create a translation
- Add a warning section to the site health for posts and terms without languages #825
- Require the simplexml extension in the site health if a wpml-config.xml is found #827
- Remove the information about the WPML compabitility mode in settings #843
- The browser preferred language detection is now deactivated by default
- The media are now untranslated by default
- Highlight the language filter in the admin toolbar when it's active #821
- Allow to query comments in multiple languages (just as posts and terms) #840
- Don't disable the translation input field in the classic metabox #841 Props Onatcer
- Optimize all images including flags #848 Props lowwebtech
- Don't redirect if WordPress doesn't validate the redirect url to avoid redirects to /wp-admin/ #879
- Fix media appearing to have a language after the language is changed in the media library grid view #807
- Fix media not all deleted when bulk deleting from the grid view of the media library #830
- Fix when more than one language switcher are added to the same menu #853
- Fix PHP notice when adding a CPT archive link to a menu #868 Props davidwebca
3.0.6 (2021-06-22)
- Fix a conflict with the WooCommerce cart translation and cache plugins #876
3.0.5 (2021-06-08)
- Pro: fix original post not assigned to a new translation when the languages sidebar is closed
- Pro: Attempt to fix zip file corrupted on some installations when exporting string translations
- Support session cookie with the pll_cookie_expiration filter #835
- Fix javascript error when a plugin defines its own editor for translated post types #837
- Fix languages displayed in screen options when editing a term #850
- Cache: fix post type archive cache not cleared when saving a post #828
3.0.4 (2021-04-27)
- Improve performance in the pages (or hierarchical post types) list table
- Fix an ajax conflict with WooCommerce License manager
3.0.3 (2021-03-23)
- Fix a warning when a language is corrupted in database (term_language missing)
- Fix confirmation modal with WooCommerce and WordPress < 5.6
- Fix an ajax conflict with WooCommerce Tree Table Rate Shipping and HubSpot All-In-One Marketing
3.0.2 (2021-03-16)
- Move hreflang attributes higher in the head section #771
- Fix custom flags not working (introduced in 3.0)
- Fix translation of the confirmation modal when changing the language of a post
- Fix js and css not loaded when Polylang is used as a mu-plugin ((introduced in 3.0))
- Fix support for html5 stylesheet link tags #775
- Fix possible warning in frontend-filters-links.php
- Yoast SEO Premium: Take over the multilingual compatibility removed in Yoast SEO Premium 15.8 #796
- Yoast SEO: Fix CPT breadcrumb title when the option is left empty #794
- Yoast SEO: Fix sitemap.xml not redirected on secondary domains #789
3.0.1 (2021-03-10)
- Fix media gallery messed when editing a post in the classic editor
- Fix missing script dependency on old WP versions
- Fix CSS conflict with WooCommerce Bookings for WP < 5.6
- Fix conflict resulting in '__' already defined in block-editor.js. #779
- Fix search form removed for some themes. Props Marián Kadaňka. #780
- Fix fatal error with very old versions of Yoast SEO. Props Nicola Peluchetti. #781
3.0 (2021-03-08)
- Add compatibility with WordPress 5.7
- Remove upgrades from Polylang older than 1.8
- Remove deprecated class PLL_Pointer
- Pro: Hide the license keys
- Pro: Fix redirect to the home page of a deactivated language
- Pro: Fix synchronization of post status not working
- Pro: Fix language switcher block not working in a post retrieved in REST API
- Pro: Fix PO export of strings with line breaks
- Pro: Fix file block title customization lost
- Add a dialog box to ask a confirmation about a language change in classic and block editors
- Improve browser language detection #591
- Improve robustness and documentation of code
- Fix media library after the language has been chnaged in the editor metabox
- Fix duplicated title attribute on flag link in posts list
- Fix legacy block editor language metabox compatibility with WordPress 5.6
- Fix uploaded theme and plugin files in media library
- Fix site title not translated in email change confirmation email
- Fix remaining deprecated jQuery notices #741
- Fix compatibility with GN publisher
- Fix compatibility with Woodmart theme search form
- Fix compatibility issue with 3rd party ajax requests since jQuery 3.3 #744
- Fix CSS conflict with WooCommerce Bookings
- Fix browser error when displaying an embed and using a cache plugin #757
- Fix post type archive title and metadesc not translated in Yoast SEO
- Fix PHP notice in REST API
2.9.2 (2021-02-02)
- Pro: Fix translation of CPTUI plural label and description not working
- Add Spanish (Ecuador) to the list of predefined languages
- Fix typo in "WordPress" string translation group. Props Viktor Szépe #682
2.9.1 (2020-12-15)
- Fix PHP notice: Undefined property: PLL_Cache_Compat::$options with cache plugins. Props bahaa-almahamid. #658
- Fix title of the search results page with Yoast SEO > 14.0
2.9 (2020-12-07)
- Add compatibility with WordPress 5.6
- Pro: Add locale fallback used when the theme or plugins translations are not available
- Pro: Fix SSO and browser preferred language redirect when using multiple domains
- Pro: Fix post slugs for German and Danish in the REST API
- Pro: Fix a fatal error in ACF integration when saving url modifications with multiple domains
- Pro: Fix a deprecated notice fired by ACF since the version 5.9.2
- Pro: Fix ACF relationship fields not reloaded when changing the language in the classic editor
- Update plugin updater to version 1.8
- Add Lower Sorbian to the list of predefined language
- Options are now translated on backend when using the admin language filter
- Keep previous translations when modifying an option value
- Add navigation markup to the language switcher widget
- Fix canonical redirect for taxonomy terms
- Fix a fatal error when deleting a post with a translation group corrupted in the database
- Fix a fatal error when switching to plain permalinks and using multiple domains
- Fix a conflict with WP Sweep which could corrupt languages
- Fix title displayed instead of meta description with Yoast SEO > 14.0
- Fix PHP Notice: Undefined index: wp_the_query in /frontend/choose-lang-content.php on line 92
2.8.4 (2020-11-03)
- Pro: Remove useless bulk translate action for ACF fields groups
- Pro: Fix the translation of the CPTUI labels when the language is set from the content
- Fix sitemaps redirected to the default language since WP 5.5.1
- Fix object cache not flushed for sticky posts #601
- Fix blog page broken when trashing a page and the blog page is not translated in all languages
- Fix custom flags ignored in WPML compatibility mode
- Fix breadcrumb for untranslated post types in Yoast SEO
2.8.3 (2020-10-13)
- Honor install_languages capability to download language packs
- Pro: Fix integrations not loaded (with The Events Calendar, CPTUI, Content blocks)
- Pro: Fix fatal error with ACF if a flexible content includes a repeater and a relationship
- Pro: Fix terms sharing their slug impossible to update without changing the slug
- When available, use wpcom_vip_get_page_by_path() instead of get_page_by_path()
- Fix queries filtered when editing a post that was declared untranslatable after it got a language
- Fix issues with Yoast SEO 14.0+ (breadcrumbs, canonical, title and description)
2.8.2 (2020-09-08)
- Pro: Fix posts sharing the same slug displayed on the same page
- Fix: Don't use a javascript localized string removed in WP 5.5 #568
- Fix fatal error in site health when no language is defined #563
- Fix various issues with Yoast SEO 14.x #65, #503, #505
- Fix fatal error with MU Domain Mapping when saving domains in Polylang settings #569
2.8.1 (2020-08-25)
- Pro: Fix fatal error with WP 4.9
- Fix pll_the_languages() with 'raw' option returning html flag instead of flag url #558
- Fix compatibility with Duplicate Posts not correcly loaded #557
- Fix custom flag size in admin bar language switcher #559
- Fix tag clouds mixed in the classic editor #561
2.8 (2020-08-17)
- Pro: Add a language switcher block
- Pro: Add compatibility with block image edition introduced in WP 5.5
- Pro: Fix our private taxonomies being displayed in the ACF field group rules.
- Pro: Fix incorrect flags loaded from the block editor
- Pro: Fix SSO causing a wrong redirect when using subdomains (introduced in 2.7.4)
- Pro: Fix a performance issue on the plugins list
- Pro: Fix option to automatically duplicate media in all languages when uploading a new file not honored in block image
- Use composer for autoload and Polylang Pro dependency on Polylang
- Display a flag for each post in the posts list tables (same for terms). #515
- Add test for the homepage translations to Site Health
- Add debug information to Site Health
- Add compatibility with the sitemaps introduced in WP 5.5 #451
- Always filter WP_Query by the current language
- Support wildcards in "admin-texts" parent keys in wpml-config.xml
- Fix sticky posts showed for all languages when the admin language filter is active #469
- Fix a performance issue on the pages list
- Fix dependency to jQuery Migrate removed from WP 5.5 #539
- Fix: output secure cookie when using a cache plugin and ssl #542
- Fix the possibility to create 2 terms with the same name in the same language, without specifying the second slug.
- Fix sticky posts appearing 2 times in WP 5.5
2.7.4 (2020-06-29)
- Pro: Allow using our /untranslated-posts REST endpoint for non-public post types
- Pro: Fix broken display in the block editor sidebar when a language has no flag
- Pro: Fix SSO breaking the preview on secondary domains
- Pro: Fix ACF translation option not working for term custom fields
- Pro: Fix a styling issue in the fields group list table in ACF 5.9
- Add Spanish from Puerto Rico to the predefined list of languages
= 2.7.3 (2020-05-26) =
- Security: Slash metas
- Pro: Fix categories not savedafter the language has been switched in the block editor
- Pro: Fix ACF fields stored as integers instead of strings
- Pro: Fix ACF untranslated posts or terms being copied when creating a new translation
- Pro: Fix PHP notice with ACF when a repeater or group is included in a flexible content
- Pro: Fix "DevTools failed to load SourceMap" warning in browser console
- Update plugin updater to 1.7.1
- Honor the filter "pll_the_language_link" when the language switcher displays a dropdown #506
- Fix "Something went wrong" message when quick editing untranslated post types #508
- Fix wpseo_opengraph deprecated warning #509
2.7.2 (2020-04-27)
- Pro: Re-allow to modify the capability for strings translations
- Pro: Fix redirect for posts having the same slug as a media
- Pro: Fix PHP notice with ACF flexible content
- Pro: Fix a fatal error with InfiniteWP
- Update plugin updater to 1.7
- Fix font in setup wizard
2.7.1 (2020-04-09)
- Pro: Fix untranslated post types filtered by the parameter in the REST API #493
- Fix fatal error when the function idn_to_ascii is not available
- Fix PHP warning when a 3rd party plugin declares options not stored in DB in wpml-config.xml #492
- Fix fatal error when a 3rd party plugin declares options stored as objects in wpml-config.xml #494
2.7 (2020-04-06)
- Minimum WordPress version is now 4.9
- Pro: Strings translations can now be exported and imported (in PO format)
- Pro: Allow to decide individually which ACF fields to copy or synchronize
- Pro: Add action pll_inactive_language_requested
- Pro; Fix fatal error in The Events Calendar compatibility when no language is defined yet
- Pro: Fix bulk translate when a post has no language
- Pro: Fix reusable block saved without language
- Pro: Fix post requested by slug not filtered in REST API, when the slug is shared
- Add a setup wizard
- Add Swahili, Upper Sorbian, Sindhi and Spanish from Uruguay to the list of predefined languages
- Add flags in the predefined list of languages
- Allow to hide the metaboxes from the screen options
- The deletion of the plugin's data at uninstall is now controlled by a PHP constant instead of an option #456
- Add parent in ajax response when selecting a term in autocomplete field #328
- Add Vary: Accept-Language http header in home page redirect. Props @chesio #452
- Improve performance to register/unregister WPML strings
- Add support for the action wpml_switch_language
- Add post_status to the list of accepted args of pll_count_posts()
- Apply the filter pll_preferred_language in wp-login.php
- Use filtered wrappers to create meta when creating media translations #231
- Allow to translate the Twenty Seventeen header video Youtube url #460
- Notices are now dismissed per site instead of per user #478
- Fix terms not visible in the quick edit when only one language is defined and teh admin language filter is active
- Fix post state not displayed for translations of the privacy policy page #395
- Fix wildcards not correctly interpreted in wpml-config.xml
- Fix product categories with special characters duplicated when importing WooCommerce products #474
2.6.10 (2020-02-19)
- Pro: Fix sticky posts not filtered in REST API (introduced in 2.6.9)
- Fix wrong language detected if a child page uses the slug of another language
- Fix a PHP notice with PHP 7.4. #438
- Fix lang-item-first class in language switcher when the current language is hidden. #445
- Fix partially a conflict with Fusion Builder (the other part of the conflict being in Fusion Builder).
2.6.9 (2020-01-15)
- Pro: Use 'parse_query' rather than 'rest_{$type}_query' to filter REST requests.
- Pro: Filter the comments REST endpoint.
- Pro: Fix duplication of terms without language.
- Pro: Fix fatal error when Admin Columns is activated and no language is defined yet.
- Fix shortlink when using one subdomain or domain per language
2.6.8 (2019-12-11)
- Pro: Fix conflict with JetThemesCore from Crocoblock
- Fix: better detection of REST requests when using plain permalinks
- Fix usage of deprecated action wpmu_new_blog in WP 5.1+
- Fix PHP notices with PHP 7.4
2.6.7 (2019-11-14)
- Require PHP 5.6
- Fix PHP warning in WP 5.3
2.6.6 (2019-11-12)
- Pro: Fix wrong ajax url when using one domain per language
- Pro: Fix conflict with user switching plugin when using multiple domains
- Pro: Fix latest posts block in WP 5.3
- Fix database error when attempting to sync an untranslated page parent
- Fix a conflict with the theme Neptune by Osetin
2.6.5 (2019-10-09)
- Pro: Require ACF 5.7.11+ to activate the compatibility to avoid fatal errors with older versions
- Pro: Avoid translating empty front slug (could cause a wrong redirect to /wp-admin)
- Pro: Fix filter wp_unique_term_slug not always correctly applied.
- Pro: Fix a conflict with Divi causing post synchronization buttons to be displayed multiple times
- Avoid notice in WP CLI context
2.6.4 (2019-08-27)
- Pro: Fix a conflict preventing meta synchronization when ACF is active
- Pro: Fix post metas not correctly copied when translating a Beaver Builder page
- Pro: Fix a fatal error when posts made with Elementor are synchronized
- Pro: Fix Prewiew button not working correctly when using one domain per language
- Pro: Fix post synchronization not available for WP CRON and WP CLI
- Fix future posts not available in the autocomplete input field of the languages metabox
- Fix translations files not loaded on REST requests
- Fix deleted term parent not synchronized
2.6.3 (2019-08-06)
- Pro: Fix fatal error when updating an ACF field from frontend
- Pro: Add action 'pll_post_synchronized'
- Allow to get the current or default language object using the API. Props Jory Hogeveen. #359
- Fix empty span in languages switcher widget when showing only flags
- Fix wpml_register_single_string when updating the original string
2.6.2 (2019-07-16)
- Pro: Fix slow admin in case the translations update server can't be reached
- Pro: Fix value not correctly translated for ACF clone fields in repeater
- Fix strings translations mixed when registered via the WPML compatibility. #381
2.6.1 (2019-07-03)
- Pro: Fix Yoast SEO sitemap for inactive languages when using subdomains or multiple domains
- Fix fatal error in combination with Yoast SEO and Social Warfare
- Fix post type archive url in Yoast SEO sitemap
2.6 (2019-06-26)
- Pro: Remove all languages files. All translations are now maintained on TranslationsPress
- Pro: Move the languages metabox to a block editor plugin
- Pro: Better management of user capabilities when synchronizing posts
- Pro: Separate REST requests from the frontend
- Pro: Copy the post slug when duplicating a post
- Pro: Duplicate ACF term metas when terms are automatically duplicated when creating a new post translation
- Pro: Fix hierarchy lost when duplicating terms
- Pro: Fix page shared slugs with special characters
- Pro: Fix synchronized posts sharing their slug when the language is set from the content
- Pro: Fix PHP warning with ACF Pro 5.8.1
- Pro: Fix ACF clone fields not translated in repeaters
- Better management of user capablities when synchronizing taxonomies terms and custom fields
- Extend string translations search to translated strings #207
- Update plugin updater to 1.6.18
- Honor the filter `pll_flag` when performing the flag validation when creating a new language
- Modify the title and the label for the language switcher menu items #307
- Add support for international domain names
- Add a title to the link icon used to add a translation #325
- Add a notice when a static front page is not translated in a language
- Add support for custom term fields in wpml-config.xml
- Add filter `pll_admin_languages_filter` for the list of items the admin bar language filter
- Add compatibility with WP Offload Media Lite. Props Daniel Berkman
- Yoast SEO: Add post type archive url in all languages to the sitemap
- Fix www. not redirected to not www. for the home page in multiple domains #311
- Fix cropped images not being synchronized
- Fix auto added page to menus when the page is created with the block editor
- Fix embed of translated static front page #318
- Fix a possible infinite redirect if the static front page is not translated
- Fix incorrect behavior of action 'wpml_register_single_string' when updating the string source
- Fix fatal error with Jetpack when no languages has been defined yet #330
- Fix a conflict with Laravel Valet. Props @chesio. #250
- Fix a conflict with Thesis.
- Fix a conflict with Pods in the block editor. Props Jory Hogeveen. #369
- Fix fatal error with Twenty Fourteen introduced in version 2.5.4. #374
2.5.4 (2019-05-28)
- Add Kannada to the predefined languages list
- Yoast SEO: Fix primary product cat not copied or synchronized
- WPMU Domain Mapping: Fix incorrect domain used for the theme
- Fix style-rtl.css not loaded when the language is set from the content #356
- Fix Jetpack featured pages not working. Props Anis Ladram. #357
- Fix Call to undefined function wp_generate_attachment_metadata()
2.5.3 (2019-04-16)
- Add de_AT and pt_AO to the predefined languages list
- Pro: Add filter pll_translate_blocks
- Pro: fix PHP notice when the queried post type has been modified to an array
- Pro: fix PHP warning when combined with The Event Calendar and Page builder by SiteOrigin
2.5.2 (2019-02-12)
- Pro: Fix translated slugs not accepting forward slashes
- Pro: Fix fatal error with ACF Pro 5.7.11
- Fix parent categories incorrectly synchronized #327
2.5.1 (2019-01-16)
- Security: Fix categories and media duplication not protected from CSRF
- Pro: Allow to update the plugin with WP CLI
- Pro: Fix search in the button block not filtered in the correct language (needs WP 5.1)
- Add Saraiki to the predefined languages list
- Fix a conflict causing a blank page with Divi
2.5 (2018-12-06)
- Add compatibility with WP 5.0
- Fix custom flags when the WP content folder is not in the WP install folder
- Fix PHP notice if a language has no flag
2.4.1 (2018-11-27)
- Pro: Add compatibility with REST API changes made in WP 5.0
- Pro: Fix sticky posts in the REST API
- Pro: Fix overwritten custom post slug when the post is updated with the REST API
- Pro: Fix bulk translate for media
- Fix a conflict with Custom sidebars and Content aware sidebars
- Fix a conflict with the theme Pokemania
- Fix PHP notices when using the function 'icl_link_to_element' for terms
- Fix title slugs for posts written in German
2.4 (2018-11-12)
- Minimum WordPress version is now 4.7
- Pro: Add the possibility to bulk duplicate or bulk synchronize posts.
- Pro: Add compatibility with Admin Columns
- Pro: Add synchronized posts to the REST API
- Pro: Fix variations messed when changing WooCommerce attributes slugs
- Pro: Fix incorrect language for ajax requests made on front by The Events Calendar
- Pro: Fix term not duplicated correctly when the language is set from the content
- Refactor the core to activate on front and for the REST api actions that were previously available only in the backend (language checks, synchronizations...).
- Add flags to widgets displayed in only one language (Props Jory Hogeveen) #257
- Honor 'pll_the_language_args' for all options in menus #237
- Add better filters for default flags and custom flags
- Custom flags can now be stored in the polylang directory in the theme
- Custom flags can now use SVG
- Add compatibility with Jetpack featured content module
- Fix Twenty Fourteen featured posts possibly not filtered per language
- Fix home url not working with WordPress MU Domain mapping
- Fix Assigning a parent category breaking the hierarchy of translated category
- Fix: Accept 0,1 and 1.0 as q factors in browser preferred language detection (Props Dominic Rubas)
- Fix performance issue when using hundreds of widgets
- Fix translations possibly wrong if the post language is changed without saving the post after
2.3.11 (2018-10-03)
- Pro: Add action 'pll_created_sync_post'
- Pro: Fix language and translations not included for tags in the REST API
- Fix Assigning a parent category breaking the hierarchy of translated category
2.3.10 (2018-08-16)
- Fix Lingotek notice not dismissable
- Fix fatal error with the widget calendar
2.3.9 (2018-08-14)
- Add a notice to inform about Polylang for WooCommerce
- Deprecate PLL_Pointer
- Fix bulk editing pages with no language breaking hierarchy #281
- Fix an edge case where rewrite rules could be messed on a multisite
- MU Domain Mapping: fix secondary domain redirected to primary domain
2.3.8 (2018-07-16)
- Pro: Duplicate term meta when duplicating a post creates new terms
- Pro: Add compatibility with ACF Pro when it's bundled with the theme
- Pro: Fix a fatal error when duplicating posts
- Set cookie during the home redirect
- Accept a port in the url to detect the site home
- Add filter 'pll_is_cache_active' to allow to load the cache compatibility #270 #274
- Fix potential fatal error when a 3rd party misuses the 'wpml_active_languages' filter #268
- Fix Uncaught TypeError: s.split is not a function. Props Wouter Van Vliet #262
- Fix text alignment for RTL scripts in Lingotek panel #247
- Fix html language attribute filter on admin
- Fix cookie expiration time when set in js. Props Jens Nachtigall #271
- Fix fatal error when a 3rd party misuses the WP_Query tax_query param. Props JanneAalto #252
- Fix an edge case which could mess home pages on a multisite
2.3.7 (2018-06-07)
- Pro: The Events Calendar: Fix untranslated events shown in all languages
- Avoid displaying edit links of translations of the privacy policy page to non-admin
- Fix draft created when creating a new page on multisite
- Do not prevent using the cache for home when using WP Rocket 3.0.5 or later #236
- Fix language filter applied to wrong queries on admin side
2.3.6 (2018-05-17)
- Pro: Fix post type archive slug not translated in ACF page link fields
- WP 4.9.6: Translate the privacy policy page
- WP 4.9.6: Add the translated user descriptions to exported personal data
- Update Plugin updater to version 1.6.16
- Fix conflict with the plugin View Admin As. Props Jory Hogeveen. #253
2.3.5 (2018-05-08)
- Pro: Fix translated CPT slugs when one CPT name is a substring of another one. Props Steve Reimer.
- Pro: Fix canonical redirection for post types archives when the CPT slug is translated
- Pro: Fix ACF private key uselessly synchronized when the public custom field is not synchronized
- Add filter 'pll_filter_query_excluded_query_vars'
- Redirect www. to non www. when using multiple domains
- Fix Yoast SEO category sitemap not filtered by language when using multiple domains
- Fix PLL_COOKIE === false not honored when using a cache plugin. #248
- Fix empty predefined languages list
2.3.4 (2018-03-27)
- Pro: Fix conflict with Pods related to translated slugs for custom post types
- Add Friulian to the predefined languages list
- Fix conflict (javascript error) with Gütenberg #225
- Fix conflict on ajax requests introduced by WooCoommerce 3.3.4
- Fix queries by 'category_name' not auto translated #238
2.3.3 (2018-03-15)
- Pro: Fix tax query using a term sharing slugs (fix a conflict with Fusion Builder)
- Restore Polylang (free) on REST requests, while disabling the language filter as in v2.3
- Rework auto translated query with taxonomy in different language #223
- Synchronize Yoast SEO primary category (needs Yoast SEO 7.0+)
- Fix PHP warning introduced by Yoast SEO 7.0 #229
- Fix tax query when using the relation 'OR'
- Fix a conflict with the combination of Barrel + WP Bakery Page Builder
- Fix broken redirect with MU domain mapping #226
- Fix site title not translated in password change email
2.3.2 (2018-03-05)
- Pro: Fix REST requests not filtered by the requested language (introduced in 2.3).
- Pro: Fix error 404 on single posts if posts are untranslatable
- Fix translated terms unassigned from posts when deleting a term
- Fix auto translated query with taxonomy in different language returning empty results since WP 4.9 #223
- Fix conflict with a homepage option of the theme Extra
- Fix warning when filtering get_pages()
2.3.1 (2018-02-15)
- Pro: Fix GET REST request with slug parameter deleting the post slug
- Fix http request with a custom query var being redirected to the home page #216
2.3 (2018-01-30)
- Pro: Duplicating a post now duplicates untranslated terms and the featured image (if media are translatable)
- Pro: Add filter 'pll_sync_post_fields'
- Pro: Translate ACF Pro clone fields when creating a new field group translation
- Pro: Allow to share slugs when creating a post or term with the REST API
- Pro: Load asynchronously the script added on front for multiple domains and subdomains
- Pro: Fix 'lang' parameter not interpreted when the query includes 'name'
- Refactor the synchronization of metas for better synchronization and performance improvement
- Refactor the synchronization of taxonomy terms for performance improvement
- Refactor language and translations saving for performance improvement
- Refactor the synchronization of sticky posts
- Remove all languages files. All translations are now maintained on https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/polylang #199
- Refactor the list of languages to merge predefined languages, Facebook locales and fixes for W3C locales
- Automatically deactivate Polylang when activating Polylang Pro
- Disable programmatically translated post types and taxonomies in settings. Props Ulrich Pogson. #180
- Set the cookie language in Javascript when a cache plugin is active
- Automatically remove the home page from cache when requesting the detection of the browser preferred language
- Use relative urls for the admin language filter in admin bar. #209
- Disable auto translation of WP_Term_Query if it has a 'lang' parameter
- Don't filter REST requests by default. #211
- Fix Yoast SEO statistics in dashboard showing only the default language. #211
- Fix WP Rocket clearing the cache of the wrong adjacent post
- Fix random header image
- Fix home page not correctly loaded when adding a query var
- Fix: Impossible to change the language code when the language code is also a WordPress locale.
2.2.8 (2018-01-09)
- Pro: Fix: Impossible to link past events by translation in The Events Calendar
- Disallow to delete translations of the default term for all taxonomies
- Fix: Auto add pages adds WooCommerce pages in default language to menus in all languages
- Fix most used tag cloud in Tags metabox in WP4.9+. Props Pär Thernström. #208
2.2.7 (2017-11-30)
- Fix queries by taxonomy broken since WP 4.9
- Fix PHP notice in icl_object_id()
2.2.6 (2017-11-22)
- Pro: Fix query by post name and alternative language always returning the post in current language (when sharing slugs)
- Pro: Fix query by taxonomy and alternative language returning empty results
- Rework how translation files are loaded in ajax on front when the user is logged (in WP 4.7+)
- Add filter 'get_objects_with_no_lang_limit'
- Force loading the admin side when using WP CLI (Props chrisschrijver)
- Fix check for terms with no language not scaling
- Fix pll_count_posts not working with multiple post types
- Fix inconsistent spacing between flag and language name in language switcher parent menu item (Props Amit Tal)
- Fix spacing between flag and language name when displaying an RTL language
- Fix get_terms not accepting comma separated values for 'lang' parameter (Props Pavlo Zhukov)
- Fix possible wrong language detected in url when using subdomains (Props Pavlo Zhukov)
- Fix double escaped query
2.2.5 (2017-11-09)
- Update plugin updater class to 1.6.15
- Add $link in cache key of links filters
- Add support for 'nav_menu' post type in wpml_object_id
- Fix conflict with Timber (introduced in 2.2.4)
2.2.4 (2017-10-26)
- Pro: Fix unknown language not redirected to default when using multiple domains
- Pro: Fix empty 'lang' query var not deactivating the language query filter
- Pro: Fix conflict with The Events Calendar and Visual Composer when used together
- Add new filter `pll_hide_archive_translation_url` #174
- Add support for undocumented and deprecated WPML functions `wpml_object_id_filter` and `icl_get_current_language`
- Fix 'orderby' and 'order' in `wpml_active_languages`. Needs WP 4.7+
- Fix `icl_get_languages` not returning all languages when skip_missing = 0. Props Loïc Blascos
- Fix `pll_translate_string` not working on admin #178
- Fix PHP Warning in widget video in WP 4.9
- Fix query using 'any' post type not filtered per language (introduced in 2.2)
- Fix untranslatable string in About metabox. Props Farhad Sakhaei
- Fix error with PHP 7.1 and Duplicate Post. Props Enea Scerba
- Fix query auto translation not active in ajax requests on frontend
- Fix query auto translation for 'postname' and 'pagename'
- Fix terms query auto translation not working for 'include' when no taxonomy is provided (WP 4.5+)
2.2.3 (2017-09-24)
- Fix editor removed on pages (introduced in 2.2.2)
2.2.2 (2017-09-22)
- Pro: Fix Duplicate post button not working when the user meta has been corrupted
- Fix PHP notice with the plugin Members #175
- Fix page template select displayed when editing a translated page for posts
- Fix incompatibility with WP 4.8.2 (placeholder %1$s in prepare)
2.2.1 (2017-08-30)
- Pro: partially refactor REST API classes
- Pro: Fix duplicate content user meta not removed from DB when uninstalling the plugin
- Fix strings translations not removed from DB when uninstalling the plugin
- Fix incorrect translation files loaded in ajax on front when the user is logged in (WP 4.7+)
- Fix widget language dropdown removed when saving a widget (introduced in 2.2)
- Fix queries with negative values for the 'cat' parameter (introduced in 2.2 for queries made on frontend)
- Fix performance issue in combination with some plugins when the language is set from the content (introduced in 2.2)
2.2 (2017-08-16)
- Pro: Add support for the REST API
- Pro: Add integration with The Events Calendar
- Pro: Refactor ACF Pro integration for post metas and integrate term metas
- Pro: Ask confirmation if synchronizing a post overwrites an existing translation
- Pro: Separate sync post logic from interface
- Pro: Fix 'Detect browser language' option automatically deactivated
- Pro: Fix redirect to 404 when the 'page' slug translation includes non alphanumeric characters.
- Pro: Fix untranslated post type archive slug
- Pro: Fix ACF taxonomy fields not copied when the taxonomy is not translated #156
- Pro: Fix fatal error with ACF4
- Support a different content text direction in admin #45
- Add support for wildcards and 'copy-once' attribute in wpml-config.xml
- Add minimal support for the filters 'wpml_display_language_names' and 'icl_ls_languages'
- Improve compatibility with the plugin WordPress MU Domain Mapping #116
- Improve speed of the sticky posts filter #41
- Remove redirect_lang option for multiple domains and subdomains
- Use secure cookie when using SSL
- Allow to copy/sync term metas with the filter 'pll_copy_term_metas'
- Filter ajax requests in term.php according to the term language
- Add error message in customizer when setting an untranslated static front page #47
- Load static page class only if we are using a static front page
- Refactor parse_query filters to use the same code on frontend and admin
- Don't use add_language_to_link in filters
- Move ajaxPrefilter footer script on top
- Use wp_doing_ajax() instead of DOING_AJAX constant
- Fix queries custom tax not excluded from language filter on admin
- Fix WP translation not loaded when the language is set from the content on multisite.
- Fix the list of core post types in PLL_OLT_Manager for WP 4.7+
- Fix post name and tag slug incorrectly sanitized for German and Danish
- Fix lang attribute in dropdowns
- Fix wpml_permalink filter #139
- Fix WPML constants undefined on backend #151
- Fix a conflict with the plugin Custom Permalinks #143
- Fix menu location unexpectedly unset
2.1.6 (2017-07-17)
- Pro: fix duplicate post button not working in PHP 7.1
- Pro: fix CPTUI untranslated labels on admin
- Adapt related posts filter to use slug instead of name to follow changes made on Jetpack server ( Props Steve Kaeser )
- Fix PHP notices when translating CPT and custom tax titles in Yoast SEO
- Fix PHP warning when all plugins are networked activated
2.1.5 (2017-05-31)
- Add compatibility with new media widgets introduced in WP 4.8
- Removing the language information in URL for the default language is now default
- Update plugin updater class to 1.6.12
- Pro: fix PHP notices when duplicating the content
- Fix: test existence of `twentyseventeen_panel_count` instead of relying only on the active template
- Fix: set current property to false when removing the current-menu-item class #134 props @mowar
- Fix PHP notice when editing a term without language
- Fix possible PHP notice when deleting a category
- Fix fatal error with Gantry 5
2.1.4 (2017-05-16)
- Pro: fix user not logged in on secondary domain when previewing changes
- Pro: fix archive links without language code in ACF link field (ACF 5.4.0+)
- Fix redirection from www subdomain to wrong language domain.
- Fix: selecting "Front page displays latest posts" in the customizer not cleaning the languages cache
- Fix accessibility of the admin language switcher
2.1.3 (2017-04-11)
- Pro: Fix translated slug of 'page' if it is translated to an empty string
- Update plugin udpater class to 1.6.11
- Strings registered with a wpml-config.xml file or WPML functions are now multiline by default
- Translate the site title in emails sent to the user
- Fix sanitize_user for specific locales
- Fix deprecation notice in Yoast SEO integration
- Fix: Clean term cache after the language has been set in mass #119
2.1.2 (2017-03-09)
- Pro: Add filter 'pll_xdata_nonce_life'
- Pro: Fix translation of WooCommerce product attribute slug
- Pro: Fix product synchronization in WooCommerce 2.7
- Pro: Fix error message when bulk trashing synchronized posts
- Add option to discard item spacing in the output of pll_the_languages() ( Props Ceslav Przywara ) #93 #95
- Add as, dzo, kab, km, ml_IN, nl_BE, pa_IN, rhg, sah, ta_IN, tah, te, tt_RU to the predefined list of languages
- Update plugin updater class to 1.6.10
- Fix: Remove the dependency to is_ssl() to detect the language in the url ( language set from the directory name )
- Fix issue with secondary level domains
- Fix strings not translated in emails
- Fix incorrect usage of add_action() ( Props Peter J. Herrel ) #103
- Fix wrong redirect in customizer in WP 4.7
2.1.1 (2017-02-15)
- Pro: Add filter 'pll_enable_duplicate_media' for a fine control of automatic media duplication
- Add filter 'pll_links_model' for the links model class name
- Trim any starting ^ from modified rewrite rules
- Pro: Fix wrong count of plugins to udpate
- Fix slashed strings translations not saved #94
2.1 (2017-01-25)
- Minimum WordPress version is now 4.4
- Pro: Add support for synchronized posts (same post in multiple languages)
- Pro: Add support for custom post type UI and the Divi Builder
- Improve support of Yoast SEO (no category base and post type archive breadcrumb title)
- Move Languages menu at top level instead of submenu of the WordPress settings
- Copy the original post date when creating a translation and when the date is synchronized (Props Jory Hogeveen) #32
- Remove hreflang attributes on paged pages and paged posts
- Add label to widget language dropdown for better accessibility (Props Lawrence Francell) #53 #56
- Remove constants POLYLANG_URL and PLL_LOCAL_URL
- wp_get_sidebars_widgets() and is_active_sidebar() are now filtered according to widgets languages #54
- Add functions pll_esc_html__(), pll_esc_html_e(), pll_esc_attr__() and pll_esc_attr_e() to the API (Props jegbagus) #83
- Pro: Fix conflict between WooCommerce shop on front and translated shop base slug
- Pro: Fix $wp_rewrite search base and author_base not translated #68
- Pro: Fix page preview does not log in the user when using sudomains
- Fix: avoid setting the language cookie on 404 pages
- Fix: rewrite rules order modified for custom post types archives
- Fix: conflict with WP All Import causing our filters to fail in "Add Media" modal when editing a post
- Fix: auto add pages not working for nav menus assigned to several locations
- Fix: Jetpack infinite scroll for multiple domains #58 #74
- Fix: serialize error in Strings translations when balanceTags option is active #63
- Fix: static front page preview when redirected from the languages page #49
- Fix: Auto add pages not working for nav menus assigned to several locations
- Fix: Conflict with Woocommerce Show Single Variation
- Fix: Parent page not synchronized in Quick edit (introduced in 2.0.8)
- Fix: WPML API wpml_element_has_translations and wpml_post_language_details
- Fix: unattached media translations not in language switcher
- Fix: Conflict with WP Residence advanced search
2.0.12 (2016-12-19)
- Fix plugin not loaded first (introduced in 2.0.11)
- Fix wrong translations files loaded when the language is set from the content in WP 4.7 #76
- Fix notice when a tax query has no terms (using EXISTS or NOT EXISTS)
2.0.11 (2016-12-12)
- Pro: Fix shared term slugs broken by a late change in WP 4.7 #73
- Pro: Fix media taxonomies lost when creating a media translation when taxonomies sync is activated #72
- Fix fatal error in customizer when Twenty Seventen is activated and another theme is previewed #71
- Fix wrong plugin language on admin if user locale is different from site locale in WP 4.7
2.0.10 (2016-12-05)
- Add support for front page panels of Twenty Seventeen
- Remove draft posts from the language switcher even when the user is logged in
- Fix: Make argument 2 of icl_object_id optional
- Fix a conflict with the Divi theme (#67)
2.0.9 (2016-11-15)
- Fix javascript error in some ajax requests
2.0.8 (2016-11-14)
- Disable admin language feature in WP 4.7+
- Pro: fix case where a media could lose its parent post when translated on the fly by the content duplication
- Pro: fix on the fly media created at content duplication attached to parent page instead of child page
- Fix translations input fields not populated in languages metabox when creating a new translation in WP 4.7
- Fix possibility to delete the translations of the default category in WP 4.7
- Fix tag search not filtered per language in Quick edit in WP 4.7
- Fix dropdown language switcher not working for untranslated pages
2.0.7 (2016-10-18)
- Fix issues with static front pages introduced in version 2.0.6
2.0.6 (2016-10-17)
- Pro: Fix translated paged slug not working on paged static front page
- Add support for WPML filter 'wpml_language_form_input_field'
- Fix PHP notice when using the WPML filter 'wpml_current_language'
- Fix cases where the admin language filter is not correctly taken into account
- Fix paged static front pages in plain permalinks
- Fix paged static front pages for multiple domains (#43)
- Fix warning occuring when a 3rd party plugin attempts to register anything but a string in the strings translations panel
- Fix cross domain http request for media when using multiple domains or subdomains
- Fix error 404 on pages when no language has been created yet
2.0.5 (2016-09-22)
- Pro: Fix conflict with WPBakery Visual Composer
- Pro: Fix conflict between multiple domains SSO and FORCE_SSL_ADMIN
- Pro: Fix duplicated fields not displayed in new translation in ACF Pro 5.4+
- Add Tibetan and Silesian to the predefined languages list
- Remove duplicated strings from the strings translations (even when they have a different name or group)
- The languages and translations of custom post types and taxonomies are no more activated by default at activation
- Allow to deactivate auto translation in secondary by setting 'lang' to an empty value
- Fix: invalidate the cache of PLL_MO ids when adding a new language
- Fix: don't filter secondary queries when editing a post in an untranslated post type
2.0.4 (2016-09-06)
- Add Gujarati to the predefined languages list
- Fix conflict with Page Builder. Other parts of the conflict are fixed in Page Builder 2.4.14
- Fix plugins translations incorrectly loaded in WP 4.6
- Fix error 404 on paged urls when using a non standard port
2.0.3 (2016-08-16)
- Pro: Fix PHP notice when hiding the language code in url and the language is set from subdomains
- Pro: Fix one more media being created when the duplicate media in all languages is activated (introduced in 2.0)
- Pro: Fix shared term slugs not working on PHP 7
- Pro: Fix Polylang storing integers in some ACF Pro fields where ACF Pro stores strings
- Pro: Fix ACF Pro custom fields synchronized even when the custom fields synchronization option is deactivated (#40)
- Fix PHP notice: Undefined variable: original_value in /modules/wpml/wpml-api.php on line 168
- Fix translations loaded too soon by plugins not correctly reloaded since WP 4.6 (#39)
- Fix: Remove the delete link for translations of the default category on PHP 7
- Fix unescaped i18n strings in Lingotek presentation
2.0.2 (2016-08-03)
- Avoid fatal error when a 3rd party theme or plugin has a malformed wpml-config.xml file: the malformed wpml-config.xml file is simply ignored
2.0.1 (2016-08-02)
- Fix fatal error on PHP < 5.4 (introduced in 2.0)
- Fix custom flags not being loaded (introduced in 2.0)
2.0 (2016-08-02)
- Pro: Improve integration with ACF Pro
- Pro: Add support for single sign on across multiple domains or subdomains
- Pro: Add support for browser language detection when using multiple domains
- Pro: Add support for translation of the static portion of the post permalink structure
- Pro: Fix deactivated languages appearing in Yoast SEO sitemaps
- Pro: Fix impossibility to visit a deactivated language when using subdomains or multiple domains (#10)
- Pro: Fix when sharing slug on the page for posts, only one of them is accessible (#33)
- Add the possibility to use the language switcher as dropdown in menu
- Add support for custom logo introduced in WP 4.5 (#6)
- The backend current language ( PLL()->curlang ) is now equal to the language of current post or term being edited (#19)
- The sample permalink is now updated when changing the language in the Languages metabox
- Revamp the wpml-config.xml reader to use simplexml instead of our custom xml parser
- Improve support for the WPML API (including Hook API introduced in WPML 3.2)
- Add support for translation of meta titles and descriptions of custom post types and custom taxonomies in Yoast SEO
- Replace uncached functions by WPCOM VIP functions when available
- Improve compatibility with WP 4.6
- Fix parent category wrongly assigned to post when synchronizing children categories (#21)
- Fix custom fonts not loaded when using multiple domains or subdomains
- Fix remove_accents() not working for German and Danish (#24)
- Fix incorrect static front pages urls on backend
- Fix impossible to directly enter the page number in strings translation table (introduced in 1.9.3)
- Fix conflict with WP Sweep (needs WP Sweep 1.0.8+)
- Fix potential performance issue by querying only taxonomies to show in quick edit to filter the category checklist
- Fix conflict (database error) with ReOrder-posts-within-categories plugin
- Fix languages per page option not saved
1.9.3 (2016-06-28)
- Pro: Allow to add slashes in url slugs translations
- Pro: Fix archive links not using translated slugs
- Pro: Fix visitor being redirected to 404 if his browser preference is set to an inactive language
- Fix strings translations table always back to page 1 when submitting the form (#14)
- Fix get_pages( array( 'lang' => '' ) ) not querying all the languages
- Fix switching the admin language filter can override the static front page settings (#16)
1.9.2 (2016-06-06)
- Pro: fix unreachable hierarchical custom post type posts when they are sharing slugs across languages
- Fix missing argument 3 in icl_t
- Fix conflict with WooCommerce product variations
1.9.1 (2016-05-23)
- Pro: add compatibility with Beaver Builder
- Pro: fix media wrongly created when adding a new media translation
- Add azb, ceb, de_CH_informal, es_GT, mr, nl_NL_formal to the predefined list of languages
- Fix the language switcher not linking to media translations for anonymous visitors